Bite Sized Habit Newsflash: New Tips for Healthy Habits

"Goals are not enough, intentions are not enough, willpower is not enough. To SUSTAIN a desired behaviour over the long run, we must place ourselves within systems that produce the desired behaviour as a FUNCTION of the systems design."

David Perrott​


Something to listen to

This podcast is a reminder of how can we make sure our healthy habits actually stick because that's where the power of building lasting, sustainable habits comes into its own...

Click here


Something to do

The behaviour change research shows that cues in our environment can really support us in engaging in our helpful habits (e.g. the fruitbowl, laying out your yoga mat or your exercise clothes each night for the next day).

However what if the habit you wish to change is a pattern of thinking? One area that we know from the literature is crucial to long term habit change is that of self-compassion/kindness. These cards from the renowned author Lousie Hay serve as a daily cue/reminder that one of the most important relationships we can foster is the one with ourselves and to do this with kindness has endless return on investment. I like to leave ones that resonate around my home/office/in books to serve as a cue that a kinder way of thinking is a habit that is vital to form.

Click here


Bite Sized Habit of the week

Make your habit relevant to YOUR life not someone else’s​

Often when it comes to habit change, we become obsessed with following what others do. It is useful to be inspired by people, but it is important to know that they most likely live a very different life to you. For example, people often preach about the perfect morning routine waking up at 5.30am to do yoga whilst the sunrises. If you’re not a morning person following an extreme morning routine will make you feel like a failure very quickly. If you despise the taste of kale but feel you SHOULD incorporate it into your diet because that’s what the latest blogger tells you, it might be time to take a step back and ask yourself, when would be the easiest time of day for me to make healthy lifestyle changes? What time of day do you have the most energy to exercise? When in your day is it going to be most stress relieving to meditate? It could be the 5 minutes between Zoom calls that you normally spend catching up on email. What’s important is that you make it easy enough to fit your new habit into your life. That’s what is needed so that you can repeat a habit often enough for it to become automatic.


If you're looking for a research-backed way of creating lasting healthy habits, one that's kinder, more empowering and more fun than anything you've tried before then, why not sign up for the FREE 5 Day Challenge! Click here to access it now: 5 Day Challenge

Published on 28th May 2021 at 10:05 by Dr Heather McKee

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Looking to learn more about how to improve engagement and outcomes in your digital app or product?

Once a month I offer a small number of free 30-min implementation clinics to help selected organizations by providing behavioural insights/tackling engagement issues with their products/services. Places for these clinics are strictly limited if you want a slot you can apply here


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Copyright ©2024 Dr. Heather McKee

Dr. Heather McKee is registered in Ireland Reg. No. 687397 with the registered address at 314 Mother Teresa House, Loreto Abby, Rathfarnham, D14 NR20, Co. Dublin, Ireland

This work is in no way meant to replace any medical advice. Dr. McKee is Non-HCPC-registered. Photography by Dylan Madden.

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